Monday, March 29, 2010

Go Cyber Green project!

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My Green Hero is none other than my mother. She encourages us to be environmentally friendly as it not only saves the environment but also saves a lot of money. In my family, we practice saving electricity by using the fan instead of the air-conditioner. We only use the air-conditioner when we have parties or when we have guest in the house. Even so, we always make sure that the temperature of the air-conditioner is set at 25°C instead of 18°C. On rainy nights, we do not even need to use the fan or the air-conditioner as we find it cooling at night. If it is a windy day, we have barbecues outside the houes. This way, we not only save electricity but also get to bond as a family. My mother also encourages our family to practice the 3 R's. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We collect recyclables and throw them into the recycling bins. I also reuse drink cans to make sculptures like butterflies and peacocks. We also reduce the usage of plastic bags when we go shopping as plastics are not biodegradable. I enjoy gardening thanks to my mother. She often tells me that plants play a great role to our survival as the provide us with oxygen. I have learnt to enjoy and appreciate nature and the environment. I hope that my mother would encourage everyone who reads this to be environmentally friendly. She really is a good role model and I admire her.

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